Cal State San Marcos

Posts tagged “cool

Silence and Noise Art Event

Here is the poster I made that will be used for the Silence and Noise multidisciplinary art event here at Cal State San Marcos on Friday Dec. 9th.


Type Anatomy Iron Man

A type anatomy poster using only letters and numbers from the font Book Antiqua.

Vector Self-Portrait

My vector self portrait done in Illustrator using the pen tool and a large number of layers and fills. Link to PDF attached at the bottom of the post.

LINK TO PDF ——-> Vector Portrait

Gradient Mesh Bottles

Bottles made in Adobe Illustrator using the Gradient Mesh tool.


Fruit Crate Label

My fruit crate label for Golden Gate Grapes done in Illustrator.


Here are some old labels I used for inspiration

Vector Fruit using Gradient Mesh

Vector fruit done in Adobe Illustrator


Here are three “ELEFONTS” I did in Illustrator.  Elefonts are designs of animals made entirely out of  nothing but different sized fonts and glyphs. No pen tool, shape tool, no skewing etc.  Here I made a Bird made completely out of the letter “V,”  a pug, and a T-Rex. I found myself using a lot of (Parentheses.)

Vector Bouquet

Vector Bouquet I did in Adobe Illustrator.

flower bouquet <————– link to PDF

Word ART

12 variations of word art done in Adobe Illustrator