Cal State San Marcos

Posts tagged “Oceanside Pier

Night Photos

Here are some night photos I took in Oceanside.

Beach Collage


This is a collage of photos I recently took on a cloudy day at the beach.


Here are a few Panorama shots I took for our pano assignment

oceanside pier pano

oceanside coastline

oceanside panorama

Book Project

For the book project we will be doing in class my subject will be the beach areas of North County San Diego, like Oceanside pier, D Street, Moonlight, and others.  I will try and add images to the book that I’ve messed around with in photoshop, as well as some of my own drawings and sketches.  I might even decide to add some of my own writings into the project too.  Here are a few examples of  photos I’ve taken that would be included in my book.

Oceanside Harbor






